
The key idea of establishing the International Educational Cultural Association is to create the conditions for the FORMATION OF A HIGHLY EDUCATED AND CULTURED PERSONALITY, a person of modern global thinking who honors the past and sees the future.

Sustaining and enhancing one’s wellbeing in modern society requires from a person certain skills that could help him or her withstand modern information environment which constantly urges to self-improve in each step of the ladder of carrier opportunities..

That is why OUR PROGRAMS GIVE those who need it (experienced professionals and younger generation) THE OPPORTUNITY to INTERACT WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, gain NEW KNOWLEDGE and broaden OWN EXPERIENCE IN GLOBAL CULTURAL DIVERSITY.

The INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CULTURAL ASSOCIATION is a nonprofit public organization established by Ukrainian citizens and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Certificate of Registration of Citizens Association No. 2985 dated November 04, 2008), the state registration was effected on November 13, 2008 with entry No. 1 071 102 0000 025251 assigned according to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine (Certificate of State Registration of a Legal Entity series A0 No. 219601).

The ASSOCIATION has STRUCTURAL SUBDIVISIONS in 14 regions across Ukraine. The programs attendee geography covers all regions nationwide. Also, we have UK BRANCH INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CULTURAL COMPANY, a foreign branch established and registered in the United Kingdom in May, 2014 (company No. FC031889, UK Establishment No. BR016959).

In April 2015, the International Educational Cultural Association became the founder of the “International Education School” CHARITABLE FOUNDATION.


  • protect the common interests of its members;
  • assist young people, representatives from educational, scientific and cultural circles in Ukraine and other countries to create the relevant social, economic and legal framework and conditions necessary for their self-determination, intellectual, moral, and physical development, and realization of their creative potential;
  • promote the preservation and dissemination of scientific, cultural and educational achievements as may be beneficial for an individual and for a state.

The new state-building processes unveil the continuing growth of opportunities for the NGOs to act as a third force in society along with the legislative and executive branches of government.

The INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CULTURAL ASSOCIATION focuses its efforts on the following:

  • promotion and participation in the development and implementation of various local, national and international initiatives aimed at creating a new cultural and educational environment, supporting these programs and programs of international cooperation with various governmental and public organizations of Ukraine;
  • promotion of information exchange between interested social bodies and individuals, propaganda of scientific, cultural and educational programs;
  • promotion the development of cultural and educational ties between different countries worldwide through the cooperation of the Association with international organizations and participation in joint programs.


The Association cooperates with various international, public and governmental organizations and institutions, diplomatic missions of Ukraine, financial structures and individuals, information providers and publishers that promote the development of peace initiatives, scientific, educational and cultural programs.

The mission of EDUCATIONAL and ART PROGRAMS of the International Educational Cultural Association is to:

  • promote the preservation and development of national identity, national traditions, linguistic identity, education, science and culture of Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad;
  • provide optimal conditions for integration of the best achievements of the national system of education and culture of Ukraine into the world culture.

We have chosen the vector of cultural diplomacy. Each program of the International Educational Cultural Association creates a kind of a “cultural tension” through the expansion of communication with various people, different cultures, and views, which activates thinking of a creative person, urges him or her to seek new knowledge, creates the ability to self-determination and cultivates tolerance of other ideas.


  • Occupation specific international educational programs, seminar trainings, internships, masterclasses, exhibitions, conferences for scientists, specialists in culture and education;
  • Specialized international art programs, exhibitions, international art competitions and festivals, charity concert programs;
  • Social and wellness programs for children and young people with disabilities, internally displaced persons;
  • Summer language schools;
  • School of Media and Information Literacy;
  • Scientific and practical conferences, including the remote ones;
  • Information provision and advisory activities;
  • Youth and sports and tourism cooperation;
  • Charity events.

If you would like to join our programs contact the International Educational Cultural Association:

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